5 Waiting heaven below, water above
Waiting with truthfulness lights up success in correct orientation toward good. It is beneficial to cross a great river.
The way to educate the ignorant cannot be rushed; it is necessary to await the appropriate times and conditions. If the time comes, the truth becomes self-evident.
Knowing the need to wait when danger lies ahead is characteristic of firmness that is strong, not bringing about its own overthrow by wrong action. ... The power of knowledge and wisdom is not overthrown by problems, so in the end it is possible to be liberated and not be frustrated.
From the essential nature, the right basis, you gradually flow into the ocean of all knowledge. ... Going from the state of the ordinary man to that of the sage,...
The complete nature, we produce culture; the completion of culture is in nature. ... This is skillful resting of the mind in calm and clarity whatever the circunstances.
... in the stage of contemplation practices, once you have put down confusion, then the forces of delusion are shaken up;... You just use the power of aspiration to bring the forces of delusion, so as to show the power of conquering delusion and attaining enlightenment. If the work of contemplating the absolute, the relative, and their unity is carried out with respect and care, there will certainly be no failure.
... when the forces of delusion have been defeated, you come out beyond the lairs of all physical and metaphysical realms and attain true awareness.
Without even using force to conquer delusion, only the power of concentrated compassion, one can see to it that the forces of delusion retreat of themselves, and enlightenment is achieve of itself. ... The suchness of the realm of delusion is the same as the suchness of the realm of enlightenment.
... it is good to be correct, in the sense of being centered correctly.
... not only going into the realm of enlightenment, but also being able to go into the realm of delusion, coming back into the the realms of emotions, physical events, and metaphysical states, to liberate as many people as possible, observing the elements of the subjective and objective causes and effects of these realms.
Once you are integrated with the emotional, physical, and metaphysical worlds, though you are not in the position of buddhas, yet you can liberate people according to their type. Event if people do not know or respect you, you can still make conditions for their liberation from a distance, and you have not lost much.