segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

24 Return thunder below, earth above

When a companion comes, there is no fault. Returning back on the path,...

... after decadence has set in, there has to be a true sage to appear in response and bring about a revival; this is return. ... stripping away is removing all emotional clinging and returning to the essence of all things. In terms of contemplation of the center of all things, going from contemplation of conditionality to contemplation of emptiness... reaching out to teach in harmony with essence...

Return must lead to success; ... Using good to transform evil,... Once you have returned, you should cause the return to be permanent, so ... this comes to last a long time, ... Then there is a beginning and an end, whereby you can help yourself and help others,...

To return is to see the heart of heaven and earth. ... the essence of enlightenment is called the heart of heaven and earth; ... The ocean of suffering is boundless, but the shore is near at hand;

Once we harmonize with the essence of reality at the center of all things, we dwell neither in samsara nor in nirvana, but can roam freely in samsara and nirvana, so there is no ill.

On the winter solstice, the ancient kings shut the gates; the caravans did not travel; ... it is necessary to nurture potencial with serenity. So the buddhahood in contemplative practices, the "ancient Kings", have awakened to the "winter solstice" of the latent essence, "shut the gates" of the senses, shed attachments, and mastered themselves inwardly, temporarily halting the "caravans" of myriad practices of the six transcendent ways, and just observed the mind of the present moment, without "inspecting the regions" of the mental and physical elements.

... when true insight is perfectly clear, one sees the essence of enlightenment all at once and is immediately imbued with all practices; ... in terms of the six transcendent ways, this is the correct path of transcendent wisdom.

...when correct concentration is balanced, one is near to reality, close to sagehood, as in the stages of faith in the complete teaching. ... this is correct concentration combining with insight. must first contemplate emptiness, then the conditional, then the center - this is called repeated return.... this is the continual urging of preseverance.

... this is patience.

... this is discipline;

... this is giving;

Idem - The Buddhist I Ching

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