terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2008

Thanks Tulku Lama Lobsang!

Na dança outonal das folhas...

Ao vento caminho de encontro à genuína relação Mestre/Discípulo.

Obrigada Tulku Lama Lobsang pelas folhas mais belas deste Outono!

Que todos os Seres, visíveis e invisíveis, sejam felizes!


sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont

28 The Passing of Greatness wind below, lake above
When greatness passes, the ridgepole bends.
When there has been peace for a long time, the beginnings of disorder inevitably sprout. It is best to prevent it when it is still weak, to stop it from creeping up. When the transformative path is flourishing, contaminations easily arise; it is best to set up guidelines and regulations.
It is not good to rely on force and cause disturbance; though strength is predominant, yet it is balanced, and it is docile and acts joyfully, so there is still a way to restore order and equilibrium. Then success is attained.
Developed people stand alone without fear, avoid society without distress.
Moisture originally nourishes wood, but also can destroy it;... Only when sustained by the power to stand alone without fear and avoid society without distress can learning be firmly rooted and development have a proper basis; then it is possible to refine and support the mediocre.
... a balance of firmness and flexibility makes for success, while being too firm or too flexible makes for failure. ... studying humbly to attain higher things is one's work here.
When too obstinate and unbalanced, indulging in stubbornness, if one cultivates oneself in this way, one's virtues will surely be ruined, and if one governs society in this way, disturbances will surely arise.
When strong but not excessively so, one can establish oneself and others as well. But if one likes greatness and enjoys achievement, one may not keep calm; ... But one may have some personal ambition, in which case self-help and helping others will not necessarily be fulfilled;
... enjoying peace, one does not know the problems of the people,...
... when correct concentration has no insight, winding up as a fall at the peak.

Sagesse Taoïste 2

"Comment clarifier l'eau trouble? Laissez-la reposer et elle cessera d'être trouble."
Tao-Te-Ching, XV-9, idem M.Yourcenar.

quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

Sagesse Taoïste

"Envers ceux qui sont bons pour moi, je suis bon. Envers ceux qui ne sont pas bons pour moi, je suis bon, afin qu'ils apprennent à être bons. Envers ceux qui sont sincères avec moi, je suis sincère. Envers ceux qui ne sont pas sincères avec moi, je suis également sincère, afin qu'ils apprennent la sincérité."
Tao-Te-Ching, 49-2,
cité en "La Voix des Choses" Marguerite Yourcenar,
Éditions Gallimard, 1987.

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont

9 Small Obstruction (Nurturance of the Small) heaven below, wind above
At small obstruction, nurturing the small succeeds.
... when you encounter situations that obstruct you and bog you down, if you do not get resentful or bitter, but just nurture yourself to digest them, you will be successful.... one must not seek to obtain results too rapidly.
In terms of contemplating mind, when the factual obstructions to enlightenment that have been there since beginningless time are overpowering even after the harmonizing of the elements of the path to enlightenment, they block perceptive insight, so that it cannot realize the truth.
The educational and liberative activities of buddhas do not reject the deluded. ... events and situations that formerly obstructed you can become means of self-development; this is how you succeed. But now, though you need not fear the situation, still you should not grab for easy success. ... That is, you should only go into action after harmonization of yin and yang.
Nurturing the small at small obstruction, flexibility finds its proper position, so above and below respond to it. ...Once one is at an impasse and needs devepolment, this is "small" in the sense that it is a matter of being correctly flexible.
Wind moving up in the sky, nurturing the small. ... Nothing has a more subtle influence on things than wind. ... In terms of contemplating mind, using generosity, self-discipline, patience, diligence, meditation, and insight to correct perceptive flaws, aid in psychological development, and open the mind, is called beautifying cultured qualities.
If there is truthfulness, blood goes and fear leaves...
There is truthfulness in companionship, in the sense that one does not enjoy blessings alone. ... when we practice a true way, there may be powerful factual obstructions that require specific remedies to help clear them away. But though we use remedies to help clear away obstructions, still the guidance comes from perceptive insight into the right way. ... accurate knowledge is strong, so obstacles caused by events cannot do any harm,...
... subtle insight into the true center of everything understands that obstacles lead to the qualities to overcome them,...
... concentration and insight are equal, so concrete obstacles melt away and you are freed of them.

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

24 Return thunder below, earth above

When a companion comes, there is no fault. Returning back on the path,...

... after decadence has set in, there has to be a true sage to appear in response and bring about a revival; this is return. ... stripping away is removing all emotional clinging and returning to the essence of all things. In terms of contemplation of the center of all things, going from contemplation of conditionality to contemplation of emptiness... reaching out to teach in harmony with essence...

Return must lead to success; ... Using good to transform evil,... Once you have returned, you should cause the return to be permanent, so ... this comes to last a long time, ... Then there is a beginning and an end, whereby you can help yourself and help others,...

To return is to see the heart of heaven and earth. ... the essence of enlightenment is called the heart of heaven and earth; ... The ocean of suffering is boundless, but the shore is near at hand;

Once we harmonize with the essence of reality at the center of all things, we dwell neither in samsara nor in nirvana, but can roam freely in samsara and nirvana, so there is no ill.

On the winter solstice, the ancient kings shut the gates; the caravans did not travel; ... it is necessary to nurture potencial with serenity. So the buddhahood in contemplative practices, the "ancient Kings", have awakened to the "winter solstice" of the latent essence, "shut the gates" of the senses, shed attachments, and mastered themselves inwardly, temporarily halting the "caravans" of myriad practices of the six transcendent ways, and just observed the mind of the present moment, without "inspecting the regions" of the mental and physical elements.

... when true insight is perfectly clear, one sees the essence of enlightenment all at once and is immediately imbued with all practices; ... in terms of the six transcendent ways, this is the correct path of transcendent wisdom.

...when correct concentration is balanced, one is near to reality, close to sagehood, as in the stages of faith in the complete teaching. ... this is correct concentration combining with insight.

...one must first contemplate emptiness, then the conditional, then the center - this is called repeated return.... this is the continual urging of preseverance.

... this is patience.

... this is discipline;

... this is giving;

Idem - The Buddhist I Ching

sábado, 18 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont

21 Biting Through thunder below, fire above
Biting through is successful. It is beneficial to apply justice.
... as Yin is in a Yang position, this represents having an aberrant intellect, which is like poison.
However, being strong without excess, one will surely be able to master oneself,...
It is lucky if there is the quality of balance, which is to be valued; this is like finding gold.
"Wearing a cangue destroying the ears" means not listening clearly. ... Generally one comes to this because one does not listen clearly and does not know how to repent of faults and take to the good.

Ligações (E)Ternas @

... para a Cristina ... @

Mystique romantique
"Toutes choses
Proches ou lointaines,
Sont relieés les unes aux autres,
Et vous ne pouvez toucher une fleur
Sans déranger une étoile."

Francis Thompson

Sagesse du nô

"Le coeur est la Forme"
Nô non identifié cité par Fenollosa

Sagesse hindoue

"Le Seigneur seul va de forme en forme"

Textes recueillis par Marguerite Yourcenar en La Voix des choses - ed. Gallimard,1987.

quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

35 Advance

earth below, fire above

If one is very powerful and upright, them one can advance to the realm of self-help and helping others.

Light emerges over the ground, following and cleaving to great illumination. ... the light of fundamental real knowledge emerges by breaking through the ground of ignorance;

Concentration and insight are together, stopping confusion and seeing truth are not two; ... The real nature of ignorance is none other than the buddha-nature. When ignorance is overturned, it transforms into enlightenment,...

... philosopher Mencius ... said, "Fate has its own nature; developed people do not speak of fate."
When developed people illumine the quality of enlightenment by themselves, they should be dark on the outside and light on the inside - that is, they should be outwardly unnoticeable while inwardly illumined. But this fourth yang represents outward strength with inner weakness, outward light with inward darkness - it is like a squirrel, which can run and jump, but not very fast and not very far. Its capabilities are limited, and it is in danger. This is the case of people who are in high positions without any real virtue. ... goring people with horns is bad for them.

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008

O Amor de Octávio Paz

Foto de Marta Figueroa - catrela.blogspot.com

" O amor é representado em forma de um nó; tem de acrescentar-se que esse nó é feito de duas liberdades enlaçadas."

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - Cont.

13 Sameness with People fire below, heaven above
Sameness with people in the wilderness is successful. It is beneficial to cross a great river. It is bebeficial for a leader to be correct.
Once one has gone beyond birth and death, one should return to cross the great river of birth and death, to bring other people across.
A leader is one who can communicate with the wills of the world.
Once we have witnessed the true being of buddhas, we must exercise enlightened qualities to liberate people; this is called creative action. Health through civilization and enlightenment, responding with balance correctly is like the sun and moon shining in the sky, their reflections spontaneously appearing wherever there is clear water. This is the correctness of leaders.
Leaders are those who have already cut off ignorance and found the center of reality, and who adapt the inherent ability to command any of the roles or states open to humankind. Therefore they can communicate with the wills of the world, joining all people and all beings in the same sorrows and longing for release that are shared by all forms of life.
... when the right time comes, the design will be self-evident. This is the secret of cultivating the mind - do not forget, but do not try to help. ... accurate insight and true wisdom appearing, without effort;
Therefore it is necessary first to cultivate many practices, accumulate resources for enlightenment, and rely on the power of innumerable good qualities and works; only after that will one discover the true way to reality. It is because this is direct focus on the essence of complete awareness at the center of everything, whereby it is possible to go far beyond the truths of emptiness and conditionality, that there is "first weeping, afterward laughter".
... though concentration and insight are again equal, nevertheless one is at the culmination of creativity and can only get the empty experience of nirvana, incapable of entering the ordinary world and extending help to others; therefore "the aspiration is not yet attained".

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

11 Tranquillity heaven below, earth above

... The small goes and the great comes, getting through auspiciously.

... to calm endurance of both strong and weak demons, so that the demons recede and the way of enlightenment goes through.

This is the development of myriad beings due to the combination of heaven and earth. Above and below communicate, so their wills are the same. Yang inside and Yin outside, strong inside and docile outside, a leader inside and an ordinary person outside; the path od a leader goes on and on, while the path of an ordinary person vanishes.

... if you get the small to go and the great to come, then the heaven inherent in you combines with the earth that you have cultivated, so that all things develop together. Transcendental mystic enlightenment and active work in the world combine, so that understanding and action are not separate.

Inwardly you have the power of strong action unceasing, while outwardly you have the means to adapt to the world. Inwardly you are a leader on the way to enlightenment, while outwardly you are an ordinary person in the same continuum of mental experiences. Because it can transform all realms of mental experience, so that they become objects of enligttenment, the path of such a leader goes on and on, while the path of an ordinary person dies out.

Influencing the people means that one is not destroyed by demons, strong or weak, and so can use these two kinds od demons as servants.

Positive strength is at the begining of tranquillity; but does that mean one should spend one's whole life in a low state? It is by taking similar people along to progress, the will not being limited to personal od family concerns, that it is possible to guarantee the tranquillity of the world in the end.

So here it is good to be tolerant, and accept the uncultivated and unskilled, and see afther their welfare. As for those of talent, who can, so to speak, "cross rivers", employ them. Do not overlook those who are far way. Do not just be a partisant of other strong people, but cooperate seriously with those on a higher level who are flexible yet balanced and sane, so that enlightenment will become widespread.

There is no level without incline, no going without returning. Be upright in difficulty.

So among people of the same aspiration there is mutual trust, without any formal pact; therefore it is still possible to preserve this tranquillity.

When tranquillity culminates, there must be obstruction; the forces of time assure us of this. Passive flexibility has no ability to get rid of confusion, hence the caution not to use the army.

If you want to calmly endure strong and weak demons, you must depend on the power of concentration and insight.... so once inner demons are conquered, outer demons will also submit, as when one pulls out a reed and takes others along with it.

When one knows that demons have no reality, the demons become one's assistants and are like neighbors.


segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

58 Delight lake below, lake above
Delight comes through, beneficial if correct.
When one is fulfilled, others find satisfaction in this;
... developed people do not enjoy attempts to delight them with what is not right, so delight is only beneficial if correct. As the classics say, do not destroy people to follow your own desires; do not deviate from the right path to win peoples's praise.
... delight is beneficial if correct; this is how to obey heaven and respond to humanity. ... The greatness of delight is how it inspires the people.
When strength is balanced, there is no biased selfishness of emotional desires; when flexible outside, there is no belligerence or violence. This is the most correct delight, the virtue shared by heaven and earth. If people are led with this virtue, the people will naturally forget their toil. If difficulty is entered into with this virtue, the people will naturally forget their death. This is the greatness of delight; the people inspire themselves and transform each other for the better. It does not mean someone else urges them on.
Joined lakes are joyful. Thus do developed people study and practice with companions. Associating with companions in cultural pursuits is study; fostering humanity through association is practice. Study without practice leads to nothing; practice without study leads to danger. ... when you study, the unsaid is said; when you practice, what is said becomes the unsaid.
Only if you are firm and independently decisive, swift and unhesitanting, will you have happiness.
This represents one with positive strength balanced and correct, whose sincerity within shows outside, developed to the highest degree. Thus one can exercise sincerity not only toward good people, but even toward people who heve fallen from the right way, getting them to change their evil ways and follow what is good, to turn away from error and return to rectitude; so there is inspiration therein. Once one has the qualities and also has the position, one's influence can be this great.

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont.

1 Heaven heaven below, heaven above Cont.
The creative is successful; this is beneficial if correct.
The trustworthiness of balanced words, the prudence of balanced actions - these stop aberrations and preserve truthfulness and sincerity. They make the world good without killing; ... and exert a civilizing influence.... balanced speech and balanced actions are means of knowing the nature of things; by being unaffected, we can cultivate perfects self-control in all situations.
... even beginners in the intellectual stage already have the knwoledge of enlightenment and the vision of enlightenment, and these are the qualities of true leaders.
Confucius said, "... develop inner qualities through faithfulness and truthfulness. They keep at their work by cultivating their speech and establishing their honesty. ... Therefore they are not proud when they are in high positions and do not worry when they are in low positions. Therefore they work diligently, and by wariness at the proper times they make no error even in danger."
Faithfulness and truthfulness are essential for preservation of mind and are proper means of developing inner qualities. ... To go into action at the appropriate time is to see things through; to stop at the appropriate time preserves the meaning of the action. When one does not lose the way whether going forward or withdrawing, it does not matter whether one is in a high or low position.
... when guiding people for their benefit, the effect of one's influence depends on oneself.
When tranquillity and observation are practiced together, stability and wisdom are fulfilled; then one can meet the buddhas' power of compassion above yet not become proud; meet the hopes of people below, yet not become worried.
Confucius said, "Rising and descending without fixation is not wrong; advancing and withdrawing without fixation, one does not separate from the masses. A leader develops inner qualities and cultivates work so as to meet the needs of the time;" This passage shows how ancient sage-kings abdicated their thrones in the same state of mind as when they assumed their thrones.
Confucius said, "Water is wet, fire is hot, clouds follow dragons, wind follows tigers. ... Those based in heaven are close to the top; those based on earth are close to the bottom; so each follows kind." ... in heaven they are the same as gods and goddesses; among humans they are the same as humans.
The most intransigent obstacle in the world is easy for the sage who does not stop and ponder, and has no second thoughts.
... lying low ... leaving off for the moment ... carrying out tasks ... self-testing ... the calamity of going to extremes ... Using Yang, positive energy, the creative basis, means the whole world is functioning harmoniously. ... Using Yang... is using culture to conform to nature, cultivating oneself so as to be at one with the essence of human nature.
Nature needs culture; essence must have cultivation. When you produce a culture that cultivates the best in people while keeping their essential nature complete, then you see the law of nonduality as essence and self-work.
How great is heaven! Firm, strong, balanced, upright - it is the pure essence od vitality.
Clouds roll, rain falls, the land is peaceful. ... the body of the qualities of Heaven must have function - they must be useful.... The nature of enlightenment pervades everywhere, every particle os every atom of the cosmos, so it is called "vitality".
So practices ... are still in the stages of contemplation and imitation, and have not yet formed the qualities of true intuition and liberation. Therefore independent people need to cultivate qualities in order to perfect them and not just use intellectual understanding that has no substance.
Study is understanding through learning; living broad-mindedly is understanding through thoughtfulness; benevolent action is understanding through practice. When people attain completion through these three kinds od understanding, this opens up enlightened knowledge and vision, and these people are called buddhas.
Great people are one with the qualities of heaven and earth, one with the illumination of sun and moon, one with the order of the four seasons, one with the good and bad luck brought on by hidden forces. In the primordial, nature does not oppose them; in the temporal, they serve the times of nature. If even nature does not oppose them, how much less do people, ghost, or spirits oppose them?
Only sages know how to go forward or withdraw, how to stay or disappear, always doing the right thing at the right time. Advance and withdrawal, staying and disappearing, never increase or decrease the nature of enlightenment, and the nature of enlightenment does not prevent advance and withdrawal, staying and disappearing.
The Buddhist I Ching from Chih-hsu Ou-i, translated by Thmas Cleary (Shambhala Publications, 1987)

quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2008

The Tao Te Ching - O Livro do Caminho Virtuoso

10 Harmony

"Carrying body and soul and embracing
the one,
Can you avoid separation?

Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be as a newborn babe?

Washing and cleansing the primal
Can you be without stain?

Loving all men and ruling the country,
Can you be without cleverness?

Opening and closing the gates of
Can you play the role of woman?
Understanding and being open to all
Are you able to do nothing?

Giving birth and nourishing,
Bearing yet not possessing,
Working yet not taking credit,
Leading yet not dominating,
This is the Primal Virtue." Tao Te Ching, http://www.thebigview.com/

quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2008

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - Cont.

1 Heaven heaven below, heaven above

The creative is successful; this is beneficial if correct.
In the sky it is the sun; in the earth it is firmness. In people it is knowledge and duty. In the essence of mind it is awareness. In spiritual practice it is observation.

Strength in doing evil results in hellish, animalistic, or ghostlike existence. Strength in doing good results in power, social order, or heavenly states of mind. (...) Strength in the best ways of doing good, added to understanding of human suffering and the process of conditioning, plus action to free oneself from bonfage, results in personal liberation.

One should realize that everything is poised between being and nonbeing.

A dragon can be great or small, can shrink or expand. Therefore it is used to symbolize a quality of Heaven.

A leader works all day and is wary at night. ... This means not forgetting danger when secure, like one in command who nevertheless is humble and circumspect.
What flies is what had leaped, what had been wary, what had become visible, what had hidden. Unless you are like this, you can hardly be called a great person.
If you are a great person, all you see are great people.

... a dragon is something that has spiritual capacity and adaptive creativity - a metaphor for the buddha-nature.

... harmonization of concentration and insight, ... one uses insight to observe all things. ... one uses concentration to nurture potential. ... correct insight into central balance witnesses the design of reality.

When Yang moves, it changes to Yin; ... Zen Master Ta Hui said,
"Once enlightened, you are at peace."

... everything is interdependent, nothing exists alone; ... nothing therefore exists in and of itself, nevertheless things do exist, conditionally; and that because of this nature of things, eveything is always in between being and nonbeing.

Clouds move, rain falls, beings form a concrete flow.

The qualities of Heaven cannot be all told, but creativity sums them up. The qualities of creativity is indescritable, but it can be witnessed in the origination of all things.

... sages harmonize with the essence of life by practice, so that their self-development is completed. Sages see the beginning of things, so they can see the end already in the beginning.

... preserving unity with universal harmony;...

With the emergence of true leaders, all nations have peace.

This passage illustrates how the enlightened freely help others after they have cultivated their own qualities to perfection.

Creativity, sucess, benefit, and correctness represent the four inherent qualities of the nature of enlightnment - eternity, happiness, selfhood, and purity.

... the paradise of great nirvana, in which there is nothing but an eternal silent light.

Though there are six stages, there is a dragon in each stage, from ideal buddahood to ultimate realization of buddhahood.

The action of heaven is stong. People with leadership qualities use it to unceasingly grow strong themselves. "the exercise of inner qualities affects everything", as the qualities of our consciousness form our world.

Creativity is yhe growth of good, sucess is the concluence of dimensions of goodness, benefit is harmonization of duty and meaning, correctness is the effective accomplishment of what is to be done.

The sixty-four hexagrams are all in the two lines Yin and Yang. Purity of Yin or Yang makes the two hexagrams Heaven and Earth; when the meaning of Heaven and Earth is understood, then the meaning of all the hexagrams are understood.

... using culture to harmonize with nature, cultivating inner potencial to bring out the best in humanity.

... humanity, justice, courtesy, and knowledge. ... humanity is the quality of eternity, because it essentially does not change; courtesy is the quality of happiness, because of the beauties it contains; justice is the quality of selfhood, insofar as it means autonomous exercise of judgment; knowledge is the quality of purity, in the sense of being unobscured.

Even in ignorance, delusion, error, and confusion, the essential potential is always there; ... People use the buddha-nature every day but are not inwardly aware of it; they crazily get into all sorts of trips. Nevertheless, the buddha-nature does not decrease,... So it is "unknown to the world, untroubled in mind, not opinionated, free from worry."

To be continued...