sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont

15 Humility mountain below, earth above

Humility gets through. A leader has a conclusion.

... this means not being self-satisfied at good fortune when the earth is at peace and has become a paradise.

If you think you are fulfilled, then heaven will diminish you, earth will change you, spirits will harm you, people will dislike you. ... realizing that all beings have the mountain of virtues of buddhahood within them,...

Extreme humility. It is fortune if leaders use this to cross great rivers.
Beneficial to all, the exercise of humility. ... being correctly flexible and agreeable,... Exercising humility toward the humble is truly the way it is supposed to be.

... in terms of characteristics of budhahood,
the first Yin represents manifestation of spiritual descent into the womb and subsequent birth on earth. Because a buddha has already realized birthlessness long ago, yet still manifests birth,...
The second Yin represents manisfestation of renunciation of social status. Buddhas .... they say they are leaving behind their social status because of birth and death.
The third Yang represents manifestation of overcoming demons and attaining enlightenment. Buddhas have already transcended the realm of demons and realized great enlightenment, yet they manisfest these accomplishments for the benefit of other beings, to cause those who observe this to accept it in their hearts.
The fourth Yin represents manisfestation of reflection after enlightenment.
The fifth Yin represents manifestation of activation of teachings. Originally there is no real teaching; all teachings are beneficial techniques, provisionally demonstrated:... All buddhas can invoke the testimony of all others buddhas, since reality is one...
The top Yin represents manifestation of extinction. ... buddhas actually do perform buddha-work by extinction, in that they cause people who have not yet planted roots of goodness to plant them, they cause people who have planted roots of goodness to mature them, and they cause mature people to be emancipated;...

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