sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

I Ching - O Livro das Mutações - cont

17 Following thunder below, lake above

Following is very successful, beneficial if correct. No fault.

...when the rulers and ruled are pleased with each other, they will follow each other.

...once one has attained the joy of truth, once can harmonize with the true character of things.

Following is very successful if it is correct; ... when the right time arrives, the truth is self-evident. Standards change; it is good to be correct... and it is good to follow what is right.

Involved with the child, one loses the adult. Involved with the adult, one loses the child. Just follow the right and obey; get closely involved and you will be stabilized.

Only if one has deep faith in the right way is the trail of mind clear and faultless.

Truthfulness in good is auspicious because the state is correctly balanced.

One must firmly believe in the true way out of the mundane; then the matter of mind can finally be clarified. The fifth Yang represents firm strength that is balanced and correct, helping oneself and helping others. ... The second Yin represents flexible obedience that is balanced and correct.

...the power of insight, so it is possible to give up the individual and take to the universal.

Only by the power of sincere faith, directed toward the west, wich in Buddhist terms means the western paradise Amitabha, the land of ultimate happiness, is it possible for anyone who cultivates this dedication to go there.

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